Mrs. Michelle Okun
I’ve been working with first robotics for 7 years. I coached a FLL team for 5 years. I like working with students that are going to impact the world and helping lead them to a more successful future
Melody Simoncic
i have been in first for 16 years. I started teams at all 5 high schools in our district. I love working and mentoring this team because they are all hardworking individuals who strive for excellence.
Rich Simoncic
i have been in first for 16 years. I started teams at all 5 high schools in our district
Armando Viteri
i have been involved for about 7 years in first. I am the drive team coach for this team and i make sure they are working hard.
I was born in France and have been a programmer for many years. My son is on the team and I enjoy working with him and the other team members.
Jim Mac
i have been working in building for 30 years. I like teaching the kids how to do things the right way like a professional. I am a firefighter, so we are really safe with our firefighter around
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